Why we started...
Around 1 in 12 men will experience some form of pelvic pain during their lifetime. Understanding, awareness and treatment within the medical community is woefully lacking. Men live with this condition, sometimes for years, suffering and in pain.
We know that recovery from CPPS and Prostatitis is absolutely possible because we been through it and have gone on to help hundreds of other men to recover too.
It is our mission to share our knowledge, strategies and skills with the world and become THE go-to place for male pelvic health.
We want to be the place men turn to when they are looking for the most professional, up to date care, expertise and recovery strategies AND where clinicians come to learn how to provide informed and effective care for their patients.
We are passionate about making recovery from male pelvic pain available to everyone.

The Team

Karl Monahan
Karl is a clinical therapist with 20 years’ experience in sports and advanced clinical massage. As a former chronic pelvic pain sufferer, Karl has dedicated the past 10 years to the study and treatment of the condition.
Karl Monahan - Male Pelvic Health Specialist, Founder of the Pelvic Pain Clinic and Pelvic Pain Matters.

Tim Beames
Tim is a self-confessed pain geek who splits his time between a clinical role as a specialist pain physiotherapist and an educator. He brings this wealth of experience to Pelvic Pain Matters, where he advises on content.
Tim Beames, pain expert, complex pain clinician and founder of Pelvic Pain Matters and Le Pub Scientifique.

David Lowe
David is a London-based writer and editor. He suffered with chronic pelvic pain for eight years before turning from conventional treatment to the Recover methodology. David now lives his life pain free.
David Lowe - recovered pelvic pain sufferer, journalist, writer and founder of Pelvic Pain Matters.

Joanna Taylor
Joanna is a business development expert with 20 years’ experience working for health education brands like NOI, Le Pub Scientifique and MasterSessions. Her considerable skills and know-how are put to good use on Pelvic Pain Matters’ marketing, events and operations.
Joanna Taylor - business development strategist, founder of Pelvic Pain Matters, Le Pub Scientifique and Director of NOI Europe.