£111.00 GBP

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Recover Programme February 2024

Starts 5 Feb 2024

The Recover Programme is our six-month signature programme specially designed to provide sufferers of Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS) with the knowledge, strategies and support to overcome the condition.

Recover Premium gets results. 

  • Six month, fully supported, programme designed by pain experts and former CPPS sufferers who know what you're going though.
  • Understand what is going on in your body. When people understand their pain, they hurt less. 
  • Simple, straightforward techniques strategies that you can start using now.
  • Learn how to deal with flare-ups and combat fear and anxiety.
  • Alleviate symptoms with our progressive movement plan.
  • Maintain your motivation with inspirational stories of recovery from men who have successfully completed the programme.
  • Get back to living your life and doing everything you love.
  • Take your first step, take control and get in the driving seat of your recovery.  

Don't take our word for it. We are very proud of the testimonials we have received from previous participants. There are loads more on the website. 

 ‘If you truly want to get to understand this condition, why it’s affecting different areas of the pelvis and why some of the more traditional medicine is not working, this programme is for you.’  - Tom - 

‘If you are in pain and don’t know what to do, where to turn to and are depressed and anxious as to what will happen next, this programme will provide you with answers, reassurance and strategies that you can tailor to your individual setting.’  - James -